Wednesday 8 May 2013

Fulmination updates on the Goldsmith/Sutherland standoff!!

OK, so I blogged to soon (!). It seems that a response has already been made - far better and far cooler than I cold have come up with (did come up with!) myself -- the man himself has just tweeted, just as a fact, that 'Keston Sutherland hates conceptual poetry'. This is clever. It's often struck me that it's something that we in the UK just don't get - that it's completely pointless to start all these arguments and stuff. After all, what is an argument but a kind of plea for attention? And I should know (LOL) -- as a subterranean worker I am just deluged with tweets and emails from lost souls whose only real motive is that I in some way authenticate their sad existences. In fact, it's almost as though these days my job mostly *is* to answer communications from lost souls -- the actual work of punshing them is left by the wayside. OK, I'm sounding like a real 'Luddite' now! It's not like things really were any better in the days when all the punishing had to be done by hand -- it was -- literally! --  bloody hard work, as I know from my own experience, and anyone who thinks it was easy or who feels nostalgic for it should try a few weeks even of, you know, light flagellation of the simonists. Okay, I've kind of got away from the main point here, which is that we Brits should take a .pdf out of Kenneth Goldsmith's hard drive and 'lighten up' a little. (Also, and I know this is slightly apart from the main point too, but I've come to feel pretty militant about getting these little details right, which someone like Sutherland just sweeps past in his really broad-brush analysis - conceptual poetry is a rich and diverse movement, and I get a little frustrated when it seems to be reduced to Kenneth Goldsmith and Kenneth Dworkin.) What are we trying to prove, after all? It's not as though Goldsmith is going to read the hndreds of thousands of things that are tweeted about him day in day out by the millions of American households who 'follow' (yeah, I'm new here!) his work? You might as well imagin him reading this blog in person (not that I mean to imply that he is a person!) and meeting, in this small corner of the pixelcosmos, a mirror to fix him with a cruel and petrifying stare, almost as though it were a question of his eternal salvation or perdition. LOL!

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